Scenes Along the Highway
There are many ways of life that lead to death, but there is one way that leads to life.
Build a Firm Foundation with the bricks others throw at you.
If you can’t feed 1,000 hungry people, feed one!
Be good to your money and it will return the favor.
A sermon does not have to be eternal to be immortal.
You cannot shake hands with a clinched fist.
Don’t count the days. Make the days count.
Without the bread of life, You are toast!
How will you spend eternity? Smoking or Non-smoking.
Drive carefully! It is not only cars that can be recalled by their maker.
One birth is not enough. Be born again.
He who throws dirt, is losing ground.
Who lit the fuse for the, “Big bang!”
God’s favorite department: Lost and found!
A church alive is worth the drive.
Aspire to inspire, before you expire.
Don’t look back. The future looks bright ahead.
Wisdom has two sides: Having something to say, Not saying it!
Don’t look and wish you had. Look forward and do!
Be the most positive person you know!
Sin’s shame will tarnish your name.
When it comes to giving, some people will stop at nothing.
Sorrow looks back, Worry looks forward, Faith looks up!
Smiles are contagious. Be a carrier.
Need a makeover? Come in for a faithlift.
Patience is trusting in God’s timing.
The devil has a plot. God has a plan.
You can do a lot with sand but don’t build a house on it!
Let him take our stress and give you peace.
If you are too busy to pray, you are too busy.
God always seeks and finds our faith.
There is no revenge so complete as forgiveness.
Thoughtfulness is to friendship as sunshine is to a garden.
It takes a real man to be a real dad!
I once was young, and now I am old; I have had many troubles, most of which never happened.
The best vitamin for a Christian is B1.
Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
Thou shalt handle thyself with courtesy on the highway!
Even the best family tree has it’s sap.
Anything you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe in and enthusiastically act upon, must…absolutely must… come to pass!
Is your vision good enough to enable you to see your own faults?
People who don’t know anything should keep it to themselves.
The wheels of progress are not turned by cranks!
Hatred: A prolonged form of suicide.
I don’t care how much you know until I know how much you care.
Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on your front door forever.
Some minds are like concrete, thoroughly mixed up and permanently set.
Peace starts with a smile.
I don’t know why some people change churches; what difference does it make which one you stay home from?
A lot of church members who are singing “Standing on the Promises” are just sitting on the memories.
We were called to be witnesses, not laywers or judges.
Coincidence is when God chooses to remain anonymous.
God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called.
God loves everyone, but prefers “fruits of the spirit” over “religious nuts”!
God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage.
He who angers you, controls you.
If God is your co-pilot, swap seats!
Don’t give God instructions – just report for duty!
The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us.
The will of God never takes you where the Grace of God will not protect you.
We don’t change the message, the message changes us.
The Bible has nothing to fear except neglect.
Many folks want to serve God, but only as advisors.
It is easier to preach ten sermons that it is to live one.
The good Lord didn’t create anything without a purpose, but mosquitoes come close.
When you get to your wit’s end, you’ll find God lives there.
If people knew me like I know me, would people respect me?
If you don’t climb the mountain, you can’t see the view.
It wasn’t the apple, it was the Pair.
A problem not worth praying about is not worth worrying about.
Preach the Gospel – if necessary use words.
If God had a refrigerator, would your picture be on it?
Our welcome mat is always out!
A family stitched in prayer will not unravel.
If this church closed, would the community notice?
If you are in step with God, you are never out of step!
Give if you love Jesus! Anybody can honk.
Thanksgiving means, “Thanks for Living”.
Don’t worry about being one credit short at judgment day. That’s where grace comes in.
Don’t despair if you have a wayward child. God has more of them than anybody.
An elderly lady fell down the steps of a funeral home, go up, brushed herself off and said “Thank God that’s over!” Be thankful in everything.
Laziness: the habit of resting before you are tired.
An ounce of example is worth a pound of advice.
Jesus Saves! …and so should you.
Dump “Stinkin’ Thinkin’!”
Directions to Heaven: Turn right and go straight!
Be wise, not otherwise.
JESUS! Accept no substitutes.
If money is burning a hole in your pants, a new pair of pants will not solve the problem.
Give and Forgive. Don’t Get and Forget.
A little hint: Love people and Use things.
Kind words will never wear out the tongue.
There is never a right way to do the wrong thing.
It is better to walk with God than to run with the world.
Speak only what love requires!
To make a mountain out of a mole hill just add more dirt.
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Albert Schweitzer
It is not how the wind blows; it’s how you set your sails.
Appreciative words are the most powerful force for good on earth. – George W. Crane
For every sin Satan has an excuse.
Be nice to people on your way up. You may need them on your way down. – Jimmy Durante
Confess your sins, not your neighbor’s.
If you must curse, use your name.
A friend is someone who strengthens you with prayers, blesses you with love, and encourages you with hope.
Do to others as if you were others.
Diligence is the mother of good fortune.
Keep your face to the sunshine and you will never see the shadows.
Retaliation is not the answer.
What separates winners from losers is the courage to persist long enough to win. – David Cottrell
Getting even will not put you ahead.
The birth of a new born baby is proof that God has not given up on us.
Nothing is so simple that it cannot be misunderstood.
Do what you can. God will do what you can’t.
The first great gift we can bestow on others is a good example. – Thomas Morrell
Need a lifeguard? Try ours. He walks on water!
There is no reward for finding fault.
Persevere! Even the snails reached the ark.
Earth presents many choices. Eternity presents only one, heaven or hell!
He/She who gossips to you about others will gossip to others about you.
A guilty conscience keeps more people awake than coffee.
He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted.
You don’t have to be much of a musician to toot your own horn.
Setbacks pave the way for comebacks.*
Come in and pray today. Beat the Christmas rush!*
God loves you, whether you like it or not.*
When you meet temptation, turn to the right.*
If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?*
There’s no business like soul business.*
Christians, like pianos, need frequent tuning*
You aren’t too bad to come in. You aren’t too good to stay out.*
Forgive your enemies – nothing annoys them more.*
A sunrise is God’s way of telling the world to lighten up.*
Don’t worry about people from your past. There is a reason they didn’t make it to your future.
Only you can make you happy.
A real leader spends his time fixing the problem instead of finding who is to blame.
He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has. – Epictetus
Unlike politicians, Jesus always keeps his promises!
God gave us two ears and one mouth. What is God telling us? – Steve Coggins
Giving people a little more than they expect is a good way to get back a lot more than you expect. – Ralph Half
Everybody worships something. We become relections of the God we worship. What God does your life reflect?
A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after awhile he knows something. – Wilson Miznee
God is like Hallmark. He cares enough to send the very best.
The Christian has a reason to live that’s worth dying for.
You will never change what you are unwilling to confront.
Faith is not a leap in the dark, but a step in the light.
The biggest limitations are those we place on ourselves.
We serve SOUL food.
It’s easy to meet expenses. They’re everywhere.
We believe in UFOs – Unity, Faithfulness, Obedience.
God will not hinder anyone who would serve.(1 Samuel 22:2)
Prayer is the delight of the joyful, as well as the solace of the afflicted.
When the world is crumbling all around you, God is the rock you can stand on.
Love is not what you say. Love is what you do.
May your spirit be calmed and your pain be eased. May you receive comfort from those who care for you. Blessed are you, O God, who brings healing to the sick.
(taken from Jewish Liturgy)
Save face! Keep the bottom half shut.
Stop telling God how big your storm is. Instead, tell the storm how big your God is!
What’s at the root shows in the fruit.
Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
Don’t judge folks by their relatives.
The best sermons are lived, not preached.
Every path has a few puddles.
It doesn’t take a very big person to carry a grudge.
Do not corner something you know is meaner than you.
Forgive your enemies. It messes up their heads.
Life is simple when you plow around the stump.
Get Right or Get Left.
For all you do, His blood’s for you.
There is room for you at the cross!
Heaven! Don’t miss it for the world..
Most people my age are older than I am.
Don’t worry about tomorrow. You did that yesterday.
Sign Broken. Come inside to get message.
Exercise daily. Walk with God.
Worry is a darkroom where negatives develop.
When it comes to giving, some will stop at nothing.
2012 Forecast: The SON will shine forever!
Be a fisher of men. You catch ‘em, God will clean ‘em!
It is hard to stumble, when you are on your knees.
Nothing ruins the truth more than stretching it!
Looking for a sign from God? This it it! COME IN!
The meek shall inherit the earth, if it’s alright with you!
Let us help you study for your final exams.
There are some questions that can’t be answered by Google.
Happy Easter to our Christian friends, Happy Passover to our Jewish friends. To our atheist friends, “Good Luck!”
As you pass this little church, be sure to plan a visit, so when at last you’re carried in, God won’t ask, “Who is it?”
Adam blamed Eve, Eve blamed the snake, and the snake didn’t have a leg to stand on!
Knowledge is pride. Wisdom is power.
“It is I; don’t be afraid.” – Jesus
You can live a well balanced life on one leg – Al Capp (cartoonist who wore an artificial leg)
When you use force, not even your shoes fit.
Behavior determines destiny!
Looking back, thank Him; Looking forward, trust Him!
The way to get to the top is to get off your bottom.
Give Satan an inch and he’ll be your ruler.
Lost in the dark? Follow the Son!
Begin each day with a great attitude and a lot of gratitude.
The middle of the road is the best path.
Every day try to put a rainbow in someone’s life.
Even on a detour the scenery can be beautiful!
Too blessed to be stressed – Too anointed to be disappointed.
God is good all the time… and all the time God is good!
Stop, Drop and Roll Won’t Work in Hell!
No one complains about the heat in Heaven!
You reflect what you expect!
Win from within!
The best things in life are not thing’s.
Try Jesus! If you don’t like him, the devil will take you back.
Be the person your dog thinks you are!
When all is said and done,
more is said than done!
Low living does not reduce God’s high calling.
God answers knee-mails.
Happiness is a state of mind.
Only God is in a position to look down on others.
Faithful Christians will take a pleasant journey to a place far away.
Life is fragile. Handle with prayer.
Dream as if you will live forever. Live as if you will die today.
Talk to God about your children. Talk to your children about God.
Deep faith conquers fear.
Count your blessings, not your troubles.
When fear knocks, let faith open the door.
A successful person keeps one eye on the stars and the other on the holes in the road.
Every time you don’t do what you are supposed to do, you pay for it. (Nick Saban)
You have to have commitment to get to where you need to go. (Bob Hendren)
There is only one place to get wisdom. That’s from God. He has a storehouse full. (Bob Hendren)
Only rats win the rat race.
A wise man keeps one eye on the stars and the other one on the holes in the road.
To be on the right road is not enough.
Everybody loves progress but nobody likes change.
Love conquers all.
Making it legal doesn’t make it right.
Elevate those around you.
Only rats can win the rat race.
God cared enough to send his very best.
The best attitude is gratitude.
Repairman on call.
We do not judge. We just tell people what the judge said.
Dust on your Bible can lead to dirt in your life.
Nobody wants to associate with a skunk except other skunks.
1 cross plus
3 nails equals
4 given -
“I have noticed that all those who favor abortion have already been born.” -Ronald Reagan
Only those who start can expect to finish.
B – basic
I – instruction
B – before
L – leaving
E – earth -
Weather report: God reigns and the Son shines.
You can’t get to the top of the mountain by going down hill.
You matter to God. Does God matter to you?
When all is said and done, more is said than done.
When you are at your lowest look to the highest.
Son lotion prevents sin burn.
Grief is the price we pay for love.
Grief is the price we pay for love.
When in doubt pull your Bible out.
Need a new life? God accepts trade-ins.
From small beginnings come great things.
Appreciate the caring people who surround you.
As the twig is bent, so grows the tree.
Jesus can find you no matter how lost you are!
Sin now. Pay later.
Wag more. Bark less.
God also keeps a list and checks it twice.
-He that can’t endure the bad will not live to see the good.
-Appreciate the caring people who surround you.
-Live a life that produces no regrets.
-Don’t fear failure. Anticipate victory!
-The Christian life is not a play ground. It is a battle ground.
-It is best to know Him before you need Him.
-If you haven’t heard from God lately, open your closed Bible.
-Today’s preparation determines tomorrow’s achievement.
-A small act of charity can go a long way.
-Take no risks with your reputation.
-Forgive your enemies. It messes with their heads.
-If you leave everything in God’s hands, you will see God’s hands in everything.
-The Big Bang Theory? God spoke and BANG!